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Latest News and White Papers

June, 2024

FHC Webinar: A New Standardized Framework for Non-Claims Payment Data

June 25th, 2024

Slides available here.

Recording available here.


November, 2023

FHC Webinar: Thinking AHEAD: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Other States

November 29th, 2023

This webinar focuses on The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s groundbreaking new multi-state AHEAD model, designed to boost primary care investment, implement global hospital budgets, and curb spending growth. Tune in to learn best practices from our experience supporting nearly a dozen states working toward similar goals.

Slides available here.

Recording available here.

Recording Passcode: 11x#anQA


April, 2023

FHC Webinar Series: Data Governance

April-July 2023

Data Governance is a term that is frequently used and often misunderstood. Broadly speaking, Data Governance is the set of policies, procedures, and documentation that guides people in managing data to create value. A comprehensive Data Governance approach addresses data collection, processing, quality, and compliance with privacy and security requirements and permits appropriate data use. Effective Data Governance is essential to support data-driven decisions and equitable policy.

Join Freedman HealthCare – leaders in APCD and multi-source health database design, development, and operations – for our webinar series exploring key issues and essential elements of effective Data Governance, including managing demographic and sensitive data.

Webinar Presentations

Webinar 1: Getting Ready for Data Governance: Foundations and Decision Points– Presented April 26, 2023

Slides available here.

Recording available here.

Webinar 2:  Data Governance is About People: Essential Roles and Responsibilities – Presented May 24, 2023

Slides available here.

Recording available here.

Webinar 3: Rules of the Road for Data Use: How to Maximize Value and Manage Risk  – Presented June 28, 2023

Slides available here.

Recording available here.

Webinar 4: Sensitive Data and Equity Considerations – Presented July 26, 2023

Slides available here.

Recording available here.

May, 2021

FHC Webinar Series: Getting Ready to Win Your State’s Federal APCD Grant

March-June 2021

Later this year, HHS will launch its $125 million CAA grant program to support APCDs. Right now, APCDs can start planning to win their state’s share of those funds.  FHC’s Complimentary Webinar Series offers APCD leaders insight into the federal law and showcases best practices in creating and running an APCD.

Resources and Background:

Webinar Presentations

Webinar 1: CAA Section 115 APCD Grant Program Overview – presented March 3, 2021

FHC’s APCD experts summarize federal language, describes the law’s grant application and program requirements, offers a readiness checklist and learning resources. Information pertains to both mandatory, legislatively enabled APCDs and voluntary or regional programs.  Here is the link to the March 3 webinar slides

Webinar 2:  Developing Data Access Programs – presented March 17, 2021

FHC’s APCD experts discuss Section 115’s requirements for grantees, including best practices in Data Access Programs and essential components of collecting and reviewing data use requests.

Here is the link to the March 17 webinar slides.

Webinar 3: Data Product Types and Requirements – presented March 31, 2021

FHC’s APCD data access experts discussed the types of data products that are specifically referenced in Section 115 and described how many APCDs have produced files and reports that can meet federal grant definitions. Here is the link to the March 31 Webinar slides.

Webinar 4: Protecting Individual Privacy and Reporting Financial Data – presented April 14, 2021

Section 115 establishes grant requirements on the protection and access to individually identifiable health information (IIHI)and proprietary financial information.  FHC’s data access experts explored the definitions of these terms and how APCDs typically handle disseminating this information.  Dana Richardson, CEO of the Wisconsin Health Information Organization, joined the presentation to describe how WHIO’s electronic master person identifier (eMPI) supported outreach to populations with comorbidities suggesting higher risk of COVID-19 complications.  Here is the link to the April 14 Webinar slides.

Webinar 5: Elements of a Common Data Request Application – presented April 28, 2021

Section 115 establishes grant requirements on the information and documentation required to access APCD data.  FHC’s data access experts explored the documents and best practices APCDs have developed to support their data access programs, how well existing APCD practices align with CAA requirements, and what additional documents APCDs have developed to support their data access programs. Here is the link to the April 28 Webinar slides.

Webinar 6: Considerations for Voluntary APCDs – Presented May 12, 2021

Mary Jo Condon, Senior Consultant, shares her experience with voluntary multi-payer claims databases in considering how to position themselves in advance of the CAA Section 115 grant  program.  Michael Lundberg and Kyle Russell from Virginia Health Information joined Ms. Condon to describe VHI’s successful evolution from a voluntary model to a state mandated program. Here is the link to the May 12 webinar.

Webinar 7: Learning Collaborative – Presented May 26, 2021

Mary Jo Condon, Senior Consultant, and John Freedman, President and CEO, lead a discussion recapping the webinars, provides highlights of the first State All Payer Claims Database Advisory Committee (SAPCDAC) meeting, and engages attendees in a series of poll questions and dialogues as a means of preparation in advance of the CAA Section 115 grant  program.   Here is the link to the May 26 webinar slides.

January 14, 2021

FHC co-hosts Webinar on No Surprises Act for APCDs

On Monday, January 11, John Freedman, President and CEO, described the implications of the Omnibus Reconciliation Bill’s provisions for APCDs for a webinar audience of over 250 health experts representing 47 states.  Topics included the timeline for key provisions, emerging opportunities for APCDs, composition of Labor’s Advisory Committee regarding a format that states may use for self-insured data collection and areas that will be clarified in the coming months.

Learn more about the webinar here.

Jan 5, 2021

New federal funding offers assistance to all states interested in starting, expanding an APCD

A massive new federal funding opportunity for all payer claims databases (APCDs) offers every state in the nation up to $2.5 million to launch or expand an APCD. Further, by favoring applications that meet certain requirements, the federal grant program offers APCDs new incentives to standardize data collection processes, partner with other states, attract ERISA plans as data contributors, and expand data sharing. The opportunity was included as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, which was signed into law on December 27th.

Learn more about this opportunity here.

December 22, 2020

Health claims data helps states pinpoint citizens at risk for COVID

Colorado’s Center for Improving in Health Care (CIVHC) has released a groundbreaking analysis that uses the state’s all-payer claims database (APCD) to identify those at highest risk should they contract COVID-19. CIVHC analysts used CDC risk criteria, including patient’s age, presence of chronic health conditions, and living in a nursing or long-term care facility.

Learn more about how CO authorities can plan vaccine distribution and identify potential hot spots using APCD data here.

Want to read more? Visit our archive.

Useful Links

Public Health Education in Massachusetts